Oil, sweat, sweat proof pillow case brings you convenience!

A new batch of sweat proof pillow cases arrived today. What is sweat proof pillow case? The pillows at home are big and small, like some latex pillows, which are too big and too small.

sweat proof pillow case

It’s the sweat proof pillow case, because the pillowcases in the four-piece suit you bought are all international standards, and the pillowcases in the four-piece suit are all standard and uniform, but this one is the sweat proof pillow case, it’s just like our underwear, it has buttons. You see, if the pillow is a little bigger, you can buckle this button. If the pillow is a little smaller, you can buckle this button. It’s very good. But there is no sample here. I’ll try the sample for you. It’s very good.

If you want a smaller pillow, you can buckle this button and wait. I’ll take it to the studio. I’ll test it for you. The studio has a sample. You can look at it again. It’s smaller. So the normal pillow can be used in all sizes. This is the sweat proof pillow case. It’s very good to look at it. The sweat proof pillow case is directly wrapped into the pillow and buckled on both sides.This button is just like our underwear button. There are big and small buttons, and there are large ones.There are different sizes, so this pillowcase is more practical, especially in summer. We men like to produce oil, and children also like to sweat, so this sweat proof pillow case is particularly useful.

It has a lot of colors. Take a look. There is bean paste color, there is gray, there is blue, purple blue is also beautiful, um, and there is beige. Look at that beige, I prefer beige. I think beige goes well with everything. Beige goes well with all the bedding at home. So, er, if you want to buy a single item, you’d better buy a light color. For example, if I need a sheet, you can buy a light color. If you lack a pillowcase, you can also buy a light-colored one, which can match all the bedding in our house, including the bedside.Including the wallpaper, it is easy to match, so this sweat proof pillow case.

I suggest that sisters can experience it. Ah, it’s really very good. You see, it’s all buckled, all buckled. So you put these two pillowcases directly on it. Oh, I don’t have a pillow. I put it on the pillow for you. You see, if you buckle it like this, it will be a little bigger. Then you buckle it a little more like this. It’s a little smaller. See, it’s a little smaller. So.Whether it’s a latex pillow or a buckwheat pillow at home, if you don’t have a suitable pillowcase, you can use this sweat proof pillow case. I’ll bring you this one next time. It’s really very good. It’s very good to use sweat proof pillow case. Be sure to remember the use of the sweat proof pillow case and what it does.And its practical value, and it can be used in many places. All the pillows at home can be used. Now, the pillows at home are either big or small, right?

Some people have a bad cervical vertebra. If they buy a good pillow, they can’t buy a suitable pillowcase for their own pillow, but it’s also a headache for everyone. Well, like this sweat proof pillow case, it can be used in your home pillow size, because it has breasted buttons. It’s suggested to collect more pairs. It is very useful to put it at home. It is very practical and convenient, and it is not used.Well, the back and forth cover can be directly buckled on both sides. The color depends on how many colors you choose. Well, the colors are very beautiful. I like this color very much, especially the color of bean paste is also very beautiful. You can see that the color of bean paste is also very beautiful, and I will share it with you every day. The healthy products at home can bring you a healthy and happy family, so that you can use environmentally friendly and comfortable bedding. Remember to pay attention!

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